Auto insurance exists as a way to protect drivers from footing the bill in an unexpected and expensive accident while ensuring victims can receive compensation. But what happens if your car accident insurance claim is denied? It can be frustrating and confusing, but there are several options you can choose from. Contact a Pike County, KY auto accident lawyer to obtain skilled representation during your settlement negotiation.
Why Would an Insurer Deny My Claim?
Insurance companies tend to have the ultimate goal of turning as high a profit as possible, often at the expense of policyholders and claimants. Insurers may deny a claim for many reasons, especially in an effort to avoid giving out large settlements.
If any of the following apply to your situation you may receive a denial from the insurance company.
- The policy has lapsed: Whether it is your own insurance provider or another driver’s if the policy lapsed then the company may claim that there was no coverage when the accident took place.
- The amount exceeds the coverage limit: If your related expenses and the amount of money that you are requesting exceeds your or the liable party’s coverage limits, the company will generally deny the settlement.
- There is a lack of evidence: After reviewing your request, the insurer may simply believe that your claim lacks merit. They may not be convinced, based on the evidence you provided, that the accident took place, that the accident was their policyholder’s fault, that your injuries and damages resulted from the accident, that your injuries and damages cost that much, etc.
- You did not notify the insurer in time: Insurance policies generally have timelines dictating how long an individual has to report an accident to be considered eligible. You may have missed the deadline.
What Should I Do if My Car Accident Insurance Claim is Denied?
If you receive a letter of denial from the insurance company, you should evaluate the reasons they are claiming and figure out if you can address the issues at hand. For example, if there was a lack of evidence, determine whether or not you have acquired any additional information or evidence that could help prove your case.
It is highly recommended that you hire an auto accident attorney after being denied as their knowledge and understanding of similar situations can aid in ensuring you are fairly compensated. Your lawyer can draft a demand letter that explains your injuries, outlines your expenses and damages, and formally requests a settlement amount. Having representation can make the insurance company take the request more seriously and rethink its original denial.
If needed, you and your attorney can also file an appeal of the decision. The appeals process will differ from company to company so work with your lawyer to determine what you need to do and how best to represent your case to ensure a fair outcome. Reach out to an experienced attorney at Shane Hall Attorney at Law, PLLC to acquire skilled representation.